
Thursday, November 26, 2020

EOTC Activity

 Our wga teacher told us to chose an activity from a slide and I chose to make one about a advertisement for Adrenalin Forest here's what I did 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Next week our school is going to an end of year trip for 3 days out of school we are going to the city centre, jellie park and adrenalin forest. I'm most looking forward to go to adrenalin forest even though I don't really like heights but it seems fun, the best location I think is the city centre because we get to go to the museum and I actually enjoy museums some people think they're boring, and we get to go to the library and I love reading books that are interesting, i'm most excited to go to adrenalin forest, what i'm most nervous is adrenalin forest because some things might be very high up, I will probably enjoy jellie park the most because I love water. I'll enjoy every minute of our trips they'll be very fun.           

Monday, November 23, 2020

Gymnastics - Term 4

These are some things you can do in these apparatus. 

Trampoline - Front Flip, Back Flip, Double Flip and Straddle.

Beam - Leap, Dips, Full Spin and Wolf Jump.

Parallel Bars - Walk backwards along the bars, L-sit Pendulum, Walk bicycle forwards, Handstand.

Bar - Pull Over, Mill Circle, Cast, Backwards Hip Circle.

Floor/Mat - Cartwheel, Splits, Back Walkover and Front Walkover.

Mini Trampoline - Front Somersault, Crash Dive, Full Spin and Barani.

Something new that I learnt this term is how to do a cartwheel on the beam.

8 tips on water safety!

 our school is having EOTC days next week we are going to jellie park, adrenalin forest and chch city centre we had to pick one of them and do an activity about i chose jellie park and my activity was 8 tips on water safety it was pretty easy because there are more than 8 things for safety around water but here's what i did  

Saturday, November 21, 2020

School Fun Run

 on Wednesday our school HHS did a school fun run to donate to kids can who help our school by donating food, clothing, shoes etc. we did the run at Kyle park in front of our school, we had to line up in year groups and boys and girls were separate, the teachers were line up with squirt bottles that had colourful powder inside we had to wear white but it was too cold so I wore my jacket and decided to not get wet and do the run with my friend (who was not getting colour and wet) we thought there were different tracks for people who wanted to get wet and one for people who didn't want to get wet and colourful but as we started to run we got sprayed with colour anyways there was hurdles and a bouncy castle which was probably the best part me and my friend went together she won by a second faster (because i tripped:) then there were people throwing wet sponges at people i said i didn't want to get wet but i got thrown a sponge at anyways :( but it was fun there was the police with their water guns and they switched their sirens on when the race started, in the end me and my friend were just playing around at the park and chasing people ,she slipped which was a bit funny :) but thanks goodness she was not hurt :) then we got to leave early which was pretty good.      

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Axolotl Facts

 In Wananga we had to do facts about an animal i chose axolotl here what i did